Our School » About Us

About Us

We are a Catholic Faith Community who are proud to accompany our students on their personal, academic and Faith Journeys through life. We believe in the power of Redemption and the core belief that a relationship with God provides the best basis for personal wellness and fullness in life.
St. Peter Catholic Church
Located at 140 Dundas Street West in Trenton, ON.
We are located in the central part of Trenton to the West of Canadian Forces Base Trenton. Our community is diverse and represents the richness of our families in the local community. We strive to integrate the teachings of our Indigenous brothers and sisters in harmony with our Catholic Social Justice teachings and connection to the Global Church. Our school is deeply committed to student and adult wellness and personal safety and works very hard to provide a learning environment that values all members of our community. We teach the Ontario Ministry of Education Curriculum through our Catholic Faith traditions and teachings. Our school has over 400 students, serving children from Kindergarten to Grade 6. Students entering into Grade 7 go to St. Paul Catholic School.