Our School » French Immersion Learning

French Immersion Learning

 Families who come to St. Mary's have two options for their child's education.  They can be educated either in the English stream, or the French Immersion stream.  Students who are in the French Immersion program are fully immersed in a bilingual language program that starts in Junior Kindergarten.  The program is conducted with 50% in each language and promotes a growth mindset and strong academic performance as its core values.  In addition to a dual language instruction day, resources, class trips and presentations are brought to the school to help support our students as they learn.  This program runs every year to Grade 6 and is an excellent opportunity to provide instructional options for families.  Most of our students come from English speaking families and do experience success with the correct supports from home.  The Ontario Ministry of Education has created an incredible bank of resources for parents to support their children in both languages.  Here is a link: Parent Resources